I'm Peter Schauss, a software engineer and game developer from Hamburg, Germany. Writing outstanding software, developing games and being creative is my job, my hobby and my passion.
This website is supposed to give you a quick overview over who I am and what I do. Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions!
Table of Contents

Developing games is one of the most diverse and interesting software engineering challenges. I'm creating my own independent games for over 15 years already and I also like to participate in game jams.
Independent Hobby Projects
I present most of my independent hobby projects under the name Unreal Software. One of my biggest projects is CS2D, a 2D top-down multiplayer shooter which is already about 10 years old but still updated and played all around the world. The first 3D game I developed is a survival game called Stranded. Its sequel Stranded II supports modding via a definition system and a sophisticated scripting language. The latest game I released is Carnage Contest. It's a turn based tactical multiplayer shooter which is inspired by the game Worms. All weapons in Carnage Contest are scripted in Lua and players can completely change them or add entirely new weapons. I'm currently working on Stranded III, using Unity 3D.

Game Jams
I like to participate in game jams. The following games have been developed during game jams within 48 hours and in teams of different sizes. They all have been developed using Unity3D and C#. I programmed and also did some art pieces (brackets with team size and my contributions).
- Physical Crime, IG Jam #8, 2015 (5+, code & some props)
- Mayan Ball Game, IG Jam #9, 2015 (5+, code & characters/HUD/some props)
- Trick Or Treat, IG Jam at GamesCom 2016 (2, code & all art)
- Rubber Duck Rampage, Global Game Jam 2017 (2, code & level/some props)

Professional Projects
At Goodgame Studios I worked on the mobile version of Legends of Honor. It's a free to play strategy game for Android and iOS. The mobile version has been released in several countries such as US, UK, CA and PL. As a client developer I was responsible for core functionalities, gameplay mechanics, tracking systems and some of the dialogs.

Creating websites with field-proven technology such as (X)HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery is a necessity to present my projects on the web properly. UnrealSoftware.de is the meeting point for users of my games. It contains a complex, custom-tailored discussion forum and a file archive with comment function for user-generated content.
Some other websites I made are for instance CS2D.com, StrandedOnline.de, CarnageContest.com and Stranded3.com.
Creativity is very important to me even though I'm not a professional artist. I like drawing and digital painting and therefore I do most of the art for my games and websites myself. Being a Photoshop user for several years and having basic 3D modelling skills in Blender helps me to achieve my goals.
You can see a few of my 3D models at my Sketchfab page - and of course also in my games.

Current Employment
I'm working as a C# software engineer at Playa Games in Hamburg since March 2018. At Playa Games I'm responsible for game client development with the target platforms WebGL (Browser), Android, iOS and Win/Mac/Linux.
Previous Employments
- Java Software engineer at Hermes, Hamburg, 10 months
- C# software engineer (Unity 3D) at Goodgame Studios, Hamburg, ~2 years
- Java software engineer at 1&1, Montabaur, 1 year

I received my bachelor of science in computer science with business informatics as a minor subject at the University of Koblenz-Landau, campus Koblenz. My Bachelor thesis is about digital signing of RDF graphs. It includes a Java framework which iteratively signs and verifies RDF graphs of any complexity with different algorithms.
As a practical project I developed a license information Firefox Add-On (JavaScript/XUL). It displays licenses which are embedded in web pages using RDFa. I implemented my own JavaScript RDFa parser based on W3C specifications for this project.